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Do We Need Zoos?

By Andrea C. Rumbaugh,

Depending on whom you ask, a world without zoos and aquariums is either a glorious heaven or a gloomy dungeon. 

These opposing ideologies make keeping animals in captivity a controversial topic, and with the recent death of SeaWorld Orlando trainer Dawn Brancheau, who was killed by five-ton killer whale Tillikum, the debate has been renewed. 

The issue has two sides: those who believe keeping animals in captivity promotes conservation and education, and those who believe it supports animal cruelty. 

The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) falls under the first category. According to a study conducted over the course of three years, AZA concluded that zoos and aquariums teach visitors about nature and, by giving them a memorable experience, makes them want to protect it. In fact, when visitors were called seven to 11 months after their zoo visit, 61 percent were still able to talk about what they learned at the zoo and 35 percent said the visit reinforced their existing beliefs about conservation. 

On the other side of the debate, activists like Dale Jamieson feel that keeping animals in captivity is immoral. In his essay, “Against Zoos,” Jamieson wrote that zoos restrict animals’ liberty by not allowing them to gather their own food or behave in their natural social patterns. 

Also, zoos aren’t as successful in conservation and education as they claim, Jamieson said. In conservation, he accuses some zoos of taking more animals from the wild than replacing and of breeding more animals than they need—sending extra animals to individuals or institutions that don’t have the necessary facilities to care for them. In education, he argues that there is little proof of zoos having successful educational programs. He cited from Stephen Kellert's paper, “Zoological Parks in American Society,” that zoo visitors tend to know less about animals than backpackers, hikers and other people who have an interest in animals, and they sometimes only know a little more than people who don’t have an interest in animals. 

The zoo’s argument 

Jack Brown, the director of the Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo, said zoos have two major functions: to educate visitors and conserve wildlife. The teaching zoo, a five-semester program of classes and hands-on animal experience, helps train students to address these functions. 

“We’re not making animal janitors,” Brown said. “We’re making zoologists.”

However, Brown said education is a zoo’s most important function. He believes that all of his students should be able to confidently teach visitors about nature because this is what gives guests a stronger desire to protect the environment. 

“The whole idea of having a zoo simply as a place to exhibit animals is silly,” he said. “We need to be educators, and we need to make a huge impact on our community in terms of public education.” 

The teaching zoo accomplishes this by placing informational plaques at each exhibit and offering educational programs for people of all ages. However, Brown’s favorite visitors to educate are children. 

“I want little kids to have this insatiable hunger to always learn,” he said.

He hopes that giving children the desire to learn about nature will teach them to protect it in the future. Paraphrasing Florida’s “No child left behind,” Brown believes in “No child left inside,” and said the zoos’ programs focus on getting children outside and showing them the big, beautiful world available for them to study. 

And visiting zoos make guests of all ages care about animals in this big world, he said. By having this experience, they want to conserve the environment, which is a zoo’s second important function. 

Conservation is necessary to protect the world, Brown said. People need to live with nature and not abuse it. All species are intertwined, and humans’ survival is equally dependent on nature’s survival. 

However, some of nature is already dying, and zoological conservation is the last hope for animals in these areas. The teaching zoo, which is part of the Species Survival Plan (SSP), works to save these endangered animals. 

SSP focuses on breeding animals for conservation, preserving natural habitats, teaching people about nature and supporting environmental research. The nation’s 116 participating zoos and aquariums protect 172 endangered species. 

At the teaching zoo, SSP animals are used as message boards to teach visitors about the species and why it’s endangered. 

And sometimes SSP is able to reintroduce animals back into the wild. The Guam rail, a bird found at the teaching zoo, became extinct in the wild when its island was overrun by an indigenous snake. However, SSP recently began reintroducing them into a nearby island that does not have these snakes. 

Brown believes zoos play an important role in wildlife education and conservation, and if they disappear, then the world will lack important institutions needed to protect the environment. 

In fact, in order for a world without zoos to be the same as one with zoos, Brown said two things must happen. School children must be able to travel the world to see animals in their natural habitats, and people must know how to protect the environment and eliminate endangered species. Since both of these are unlikely, a world without zoos would be a very sad place, he said. 

The animal rescuer’s argument 

Bruce Capin, a 47-year-old La Crosse, Fla., resident who rescues abused and neglected animals, has a similarly gloomy view of a world without zoos. 

He sees it as a giant void. Without zoos, there will be a greater distance between people and animals, and one day this may lead to an empty planet. 

“Once that’s done, the spirit of the earth is dead,” he said. 

Therefore, he opened his nonprofit organization Yahtok’ya, meaning sunlight in the Native American language of Zuni, to rescue abused and neglected animals.

Capin currently cares for one wolf and four cougars, and he considers these animals as ambassadors for their species. They help conservation by making people care about cougars and wolves. People simply aren’t passionate for animals they can’t see or touch, he said. 

And in his experiences, the cougars, which he has cared for longer than the wolf, have been successful ambassadors. By seeing these animals, people develop respect, care and concern for them and become more willing to protect and preserve them. 

“There are many where [the cougars have] captured their hearts,” he said. “They’ve never had an experience like that before and they never will again. You can’t leave the sanctuary the same person.” 

The animal activist’s argument 

Many people think there are other ways to promote conservation and education than keeping animals in captivity. Anai Rhoads, Executive Director for the social justice group, is one of these individuals. 

“[I am] completely against zoos because they are prisons. When you have a living being within bars, without the option of freedom, then it's a prison.” Rhoads said. 

She also doesn’t support the animal cruelty that may take place in some zoos.

Physically, Rhoads is concerned that some zoos may starve animals, such those in aquatic zoos, to make them perform tricks in shows. Mentally, animals may experience psychological trauma when they are separated from family members and locked in isolation, she said. 

“They are ignoring the suffering of the animals because it’s in their best interest to do so,” Rhoads said. 

She also doesn’t support how some zoos may participate in the backroom trading of animals. “If an animal is born with an imperfection such as a short tail or crooked ear, it may be sold to a lab, circus or animal trader, and sometimes it may become a household pet,” Rhoads expressed. 

“There are better methods for education and conservation than keeping animals in zoos,” stated Rhoads. “Visitors may learn more by watching a documentary or going to a museum instead. Plus, if people want to see animals in person, they can travel the world and see animals in their natural environment instead of going to these man-made habitats,” she said. 

“There is also a better way to save endangered species,” Rhoads added. “Each year millions of dollars are spent on zoos. It’s a wealthy industry that offers top salaries to their directors, for example. The money being poured into these public facilities can be better utilized on restoring natural habits. We, as humans, are the cause of dwindling populations. We cannot use the excuse of low populations as a means to capture what’s left of them – for the sole purpose of entertainment. We can correct this and end perpetual reproduction in these facilities.” 

Rhoads, an animal and human rights activist since 1991, asserted that, “a world without zoos is one less prison system for nonhumans.” 

The responses to the activist’s argument 

However, Capin and Brown disagree with many of Rhoads points and addressed some of her arguments. 

Capin addressed animals’ rights and keeping animals in cages. Although he doesn’t particularly enjoy seeing animals in cages, he said they are better off here than in the wild. 

To emphasize his point, Capin compared living in captivity to the choice of being homeless or living in jail. Federal prisons have three meals a day and sometimes even have amenities such as tennis courts and pools. Prison life sounds better than being homeless, and he said it is similar for animals who are well cared for in zoos. 

“You’ve got a pretty good life if you’re in the San Diego Zoo,” he said. “The wild’s a rough place. There’s no vet care. There’s no regular food.” 

Brown disagrees with animal critics such as Rhoads. In fact, he sometimes feels that they base their wilderness knowledge off of “The Lion King” where the wildebeest happily bows down to the birth of a lion, its major predator. 

To address the backroom selling of zoo animals, Brown admits that it happened in the past. 

“The problem is the critics of zoos just won’t let history be history,” he said. “Yes, in the past those things have happened, but through the accreditation process and things like that, we are trying very hard not to let it happen again.” 

In addition, he admits that some zookeepers still trade animals; however, this is only a minority of zookeepers and most are fighting to end this trade.

Brown also addressed the idea of replacing zoos with documentaries or museums. He said if these institutions are taken away, then the majority of people may no longer care about animals. 

He used elephants as an example. Seeing an elephant in person is a completely different experience than watching it in a documentary. On TV an elephant is only 6 inches tall, and watching this does not give people the amazement they feel from standing in front of a 13-foot elephant. 

“Having the animals there and really getting to know about the animals on a personal basis makes all the difference in the world,” Brown said. 

The killer whale Tillikum’s case 

The debate of keeping animals in captivity continues with the death of SeaWorld trainer Brancheau. Some zoos and supporters of keeping animals in captivity see her death as a known risk of working with animals, but some animal activist organizations see it as an intentional attack from killer whale Tillikum. 

Rhoads said Brancheau’s death was not an accident. Tillikum knew he could drown the trainer by grabbing her ponytail. 

“It was out of sheer frustration that this mammal did this to her. These animals are exceptionally bright and let there be no doubt that they are also exceptionally dangerous,” Rhoads added. 

In captivity, Rhoads said, “Dolphins and whales are isolated from one another, starved to perform tricks and are exploited for profit. SeaWorld admits that dolphins can swim up to a 100 miles a day, but the company doesn’t factor this in when placing these animals in what some would consider over-sized fish tanks.” 

“These conditions may have contributed to the reasons why Tillikum killed his trainer,” Rhoads said. “It’s not the whale’s fault for being in that situation.” She also believes these attacks will continue to happen as long as animals are kept in captivity. 

However, other people, such as Capin and Brown, do not blame Tillikum. 

“One hundred percent of the time it’s the person’s fault,” Capin said. “You decide to go into the predator[‘s cage].” 

And even though the event was tragic, he said people will still want to see the show. 

“I’m sure it’s a horrific event for those who saw it, but people have short memories,” he said. 

Similarly, Brown understands the risk of working with animals in captivity, and the attack does not change his opinion of Tillikum or SeaWorld. He still loves the park, and when the killer whale soars out of the water, he will still turn away from the tank to watch the audience’s amazement. 

“Every time that animal comes out of the water, it’s winning hearts for whales,” he said. 


What Zoos Do

U.S. Zoos work to preserve animals around the world through conservation, research, and education.

By Amy Miller


A 5-week-old male clouded leopard cub shows his discomfort at being held by Kathleen Deckard, a veterinary student (left), while Dr. Pam Dennis, a resident of the Wildlife and Zoological Medicine program at the University of Florida, takes the cub's temperature during his first vet visit at the Central Florida Zoological Park in Sanford, Florida. 
(Photo: Daytona Beach News-Journal, Kelly Jordan/AP Wide World )

Chimpanzees swing from trees at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago. Cheetahs pace and nap at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. Giant pandas eat pounds and pounds of bamboo shoots at the San Diego Zoo. 

All these animals have one thing in common. They are all in danger of disappearing in their natural habitat, and zoos are trying to help save them. 

Zoos across the country are changing these days. They aren't just places to see wild animals in cages anymore. Zoos are working harder than ever to save endangered animals around the world. 

Sometimes, zoos' efforts take scientists around the world. For example, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), which is headquartered at the Bronx Zoo in New York City, is working with local officials in Malaysia to stop people from hunting exotic birds to sell their feathers. 

"We have to learn how to live in harmony with the animals around us and how to just think a little bit more before we do certain things," said Sara S. Marinello, of the WCS. 

The San Diego Zoo just opened the Conservation and Research for Endangered Species Center. The $22 million center gives scientists cutting-edge instruments and plenty of room to do their work. 

The California zoo is famous for its work helping to save China's giant panda. Three panda cubs have been born at the zoo already. The San Diego Zoo now has the largest population of giant pandas outside mainland China. 

But the zoo has many other projects few people hear about. Scientists with the zoo are working to save iguanas in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. They study African wild dogs in Zambia and forest birds in Hawaii. 

Farmers in Africa think the spotted cheetah is an annoying pest. So they trap and kill them. Now cheetahs are in danger of disappearing forever. The National Zoo in Washington, D.C. is trying to change that through the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, Africa. Scientists there are showing farmers that they don't have to kill cheetahs to keep them off their farms. 

Scientists at the Houston Zoo are working with people in Venezuela to save the tapir, an animal related to the rhinoceros that looks a lot like a pig. But it's hunted for its thick hides and it's losing its habitat in South American's forests to development. 

"We are part of the web of life," said Marinello. "We forget that sometimes. But we are animals and our earth is supporting us and it's all connected. It's a balancing act and we need to think about how we can sustain the planet to take care of us and all of the plants and animals that are on it." 

The Earth Times Asks: Are zoos a force for good or just plain cruel? By David Hewitt - 18 Aug 2011 12:33:0 GMT - See more at:





















In a new series of features, the Earth Times asks two leading experts to give their views on some of the hottest green topics of the 21st century. This week, we ask: Are zoos a force for good, or just an out-dated mode of animal cruelty? Tackling the issue head-on are Liz Tyson and Rosalind Smith.

Liz Tyson is the director of the Captive Animals' Protection Society, a UK-based charity leading the campaign to end the use of animals in entertainment. Working for a 'world without cages', CAPS encourages a more compassionate attitude and relationship between humans and animals and seeks to end the exploitation of animals in circuses, zoos and the exotic pet trade.

Rosalind Smith is a marketing assistant at Newquay Zoo Environmental Park in Cornwall, England. The award-winning zoo is home to more than 130 species of animal, including lion and zebra. The zoo is an active member of the Vietnamese Carnivore and Pangolin conservation programme, and supports a number of other global conservation initiatives, among them projects working to protect red-fronted macaws in Bolivia and sloth in Colombia.

With the internet, as well as DVDs, 3D TV etc, are zoos really necessary to teach people about animals in the 21st century?

Rosalind: I would say definitely. The overall trend from research done on the success on TV and DVD conservation messages is that the viewing public are becoming hardened to them. A visit to the Zoo is interactive - visitors see the animals, and then are able to learn more about them and then realise - "that fishing cat we saw is the most endangered cat in the world" and there is the link between the animal you have seen, their care and their IUCN status.

Liz: No, not at all. There is a wealth of information out there for someone who is interested in learning about wildlife to access at the touch of a button. Furthermore, the educative message delivered by zoos is, at best, distorted and, at worst, damaging to the cause that the zoos purport to champion - that is; the conservation of species.

A zoo shows the animal completely out of context, outside of its natural habitat and the ecosystem it was designed to inhabit. Also, the message that the child takes away with them is: if you ever you want to see a tiger, come to the zoo, where we can show you one at your convenience. What it fails to demonstrate to the child the urgency of the need for habitat conservation, or the complexity of the role of the tiger in its natural habitat, or the ways in which that child could aid the conservation of the species in reality.

What are the differences between 'good zoos' and 'bad zoos'?

Rosalind: This is such a huge question. A good zoo is one that has the animal welfare at the top priority, which makes an effort to recreate the natural environment that these species thrive in. A good zoo supports a number of conservation projects - "puts it money where its mouth is" so to speak, and promotes conservation projects round the world alongside donating skills, time and money. A good zoo will put a strong emphasis on education and run workshops, educational talks and make educational materials in order that conservation is accessible to all ages.

But how does a zoo manage to do all of these things unless it has visitors? So from my point of view a good zoo will also provide an amazing visitor experience, with feeding talks, a chance to feed the animals yourself, open exhibits and a chance to get closer to the animals and species. A good events diary and value for money will also go a long way to making a zoo a good zoo for visitors.

Liz: Whilst we are fundamentally against the keeping of animals in captivity for entertainment, it would be wrong to deny that some zoos are worse than others. Just last year, we carried out an investigation where the owner of a zoo sliced a growth off the face of one of the animals in its petting zoo with a penknife without any anaesthetic rather than take it to the vets. Another zoo we investigated feeds the animals stale bread and cakes as the majority of their daily diet.

Every single investigation our organisation has carried out into zoos has led to the exposure of serious issues; for the animals, the staff or the visitors. These zoos range from some of the country's biggest and longest-established to small set-ups where amateur animal collectors have turned their menageries into money-making ventures. As such, what may appear to be a "good zoo" on the surface, may prove to be something very different when you begin to dig deeper. Animals are not ours to control and imprison and as such, I agree that there are "bad zoos", I agree that there are "worse zoos" but I do not believe that there is such thing as a "good zoo".

Can artificial enclosures ever be a proper substitute for an animal's natural habitat?

Rosalind: In reality - no, not really - but a good zoo will aim to recreate a natural habitat as far as possible. For example our Capuchin monkey enclosure has been recently redesigned so it includes lots more foliage, leaves, bark - to recreate a jungle habitat as opposed to it looking like an army assault course with planks and ropes as some do.

Liz: Having had the privilege of seeing troops of monkeys springing from tree to tree in complete freedom, having come across the paw print of a jaguar who had recently passed over the trail our group was walking, having seen a deadly snake devour a frog whole, having seen the enigmatic pink river dolphins rise up out of the river for air and having seen macaws flying high above the trees screeching at interlopers in defence of their territory, I can say with great confidence that a zoo enclosure can never be a proper substitute for an animal's natural habitat.

A number of strict standards are currently in place for zoos to adhere to. But what further improvements can still be made?

Rosalind: Zoos in this country are justifiably bound by regulations regarding the treatment of animals etc. Zoo's abroad do not necessarily have the same guidelines that we do and this something that should be focused on. In the UK zoos all have to meet a very high standard.

Liz: There are over 400 zoos in the UK alone, ranging from butterfly farms to menageries of 100 or so animals to the immense safari parks that have thousands of animals ranging across large areas of land. Many of the smaller zoos are exempt from the licensing standards and thus, are not subject to inspections. For the larger zoos, they are inspected once a year (at best) or once every three years (as a minimum). The inspection is carried out over a maximum of two working days and might have to assess hundreds or even thousands of animals. When you bear in mind that the inspectors also need to review record keeping, health and safety, procedures, education and conservation contribution in the allotted time, it becomes clear that, even with the best of intentions, the system is simply unworkable.

Do zoo visits really inspire a passion for conservation, or are they merely passive entertainment?

Rosalind: I think this depends very much on who the visitor is. There are some people who visit zoos, see the animals but don't engage with the other information and messages available. However a visitor who is interested in the animals and in conservation efforts can be really inspired by a visit to the zoo to get involved and to do more to help, whether this be donating time, money or skills to a cause, or making simple changes at home, such as switching all the lights off, to aid the fight against global warming. So definitely zoos can inspire a passion for conservation.

It's also important to note that whilst yes, zoos have had a history in the past of not doing as much as they should for the animals in their care, zoos are no longer about animals in cages. Zoos definitely have a place in the world whilst human activity is destroying habitat and the environment at the rate that it is. Otherwise a lot of our most important and loved species of animals, birds and plants will no longer be around for future generations.

Liz: It is impossible to say what zoos inspire in other people - I am sure that for some people they do inspire passion in the same way they provoke sadness or anger in others. I think the overriding point here is that, even if they did inspire a passion for conservation, the end does not justify the means. Subjecting an animal to a lifetime of captivity, whether to inspire a passion for conservation or to entertain are two sides of the same coin. One motivation may be seen as more acceptable from a societal point of view but the situation of the tiger pacing up and down in his enclosure day-in day-out remains the same regardless of the motivation of the zoo owners.


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